that's how I consider myself. I'm a rational thinker who doesn't like to go to extremes. The world isn't black and white, so what good does it do to think in those terms? So, when I saw a recent headline detailing ridiculous and borderline insane ideas being spewed by an author who, up until now, I had respected, I decided to investigate further. Needless to say, I'm utterly disappointed in what I found.
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Dammit, I really wanted to see the movie too! >:( |
Mr. Card, you've done some phenomenal writing in the past. And, yes, you have every right to express your opinions, as many other entertainers have done before you. But, I feel like you've crossed a line here. Like, the Ted Nugent line. And, once you cross a line like that, there's no taking back what put you over. I'm sorry, but you've lost a fan.
Now, while I am in total disagreement with what Orson Scott Card has to say about the Obama government, that isn't to say I'm particularly pleased with where this country is headed. However, my point here is that I would never jeopardize the opinions of my readers (both of them) by interjecting political rhetoric when that isn't my place of authority. That's not why I'm here! You're an author, Mr. Card! You want to rant about how awful things are? Impress me and write an allegorical tale that mirrors modern day. That's what you do! Use your talent, make your point with subtlety, and keep your mouth shut. I get your point, and still buy your books. We all win! I expect actors to act, writers to write, and athletes to... ummm... athlete. If I want to hear bullshit about politics, I'll turn on C-SPAN. If I want to hear crazy talk about politics, I'll turn on Fox News.
What's your opinion on this? Do you think it's important for entertainers, be they authors, singers, actors, or sports stars, to express their political views? And, if so, does it change how you view their value as an entertainer?
I recently heard that Bruce Springsteen now interjects a lengthy political rant during his concerts. That gives me second thoughts about ever attending one of his shows. If I'm paying for music, give me music! If I want to hear his political views, besides what's in his songs, I'll go read about them.
ReplyDeleteI'd be more upset to read one of Card's novels and find it dripping with political parallels when I'm expecting to be entertained by one of his fantastical worlds. I couldn't give a flying fart if he prefers paper or plastic but he has every right to shout it from the rooftops and take his chances on whether or not it effects his career.
You can't expect someone to keep inside the box we've put them in. Celebrity comes with many costs and perks. One of the greatest perks is having a voice that people will listen to. If you judged every movie or show you ever saw by the political views of every actor in the production you may as well chuck your TV out the window.
However, I do regret ever liking any of Mel Gibson's movies.... =P
absolutely hilarious!
ReplyDeleteMr. Rane, do you realize you quite possibly alienated some people? While you apparently don't care, i would guess that you've given Fox news viewers pause, don't you think?
But maybe you should care about people like me who are solidly independent and LOATHE people on either side of the spectrum that call the "other' side crazy. You all need to knock off the name calling. I'd rather have crazy than mean any day.
YOU just lost a sale...
Fair enough, but let me clear something up. I called Fox News crazy. I have many conservative friends and family whom I respect and love. Fox News is no one's friend. They are barely a step above a grocery stand tabloid. However, what might have put my point into better perspective would have been to call out an equally liberal-minded establishment. All news media are puppets to the money that backs them.
ReplyDeleteThat you can claim "solid independence" is something to be applauded. However, in a day and age where we are forced to take sides, I find it hard to believe that true independence can be practiced. And, even if it can be practiced on an individual level, it certainly can't be practiced on a party level. Nobody wants a liberal conservative as a Republican or a conservative liberal as a Democrat. But, I digress.
I'm sorry that I lost your sale. I guess if I was as pissed off about what Orson Scott Card had to say, I should have guessed my reaction might do the same. Fair enough. I guess it just goes to prove my point that authors and entertainers should keep their mouths shut about politics.
"Fox News is no one's friend."
ReplyDeleteThis may not be name calling but its in the same ugly spirit.
"I find it hard to believe that true independence can be practiced"
Wow. I am sorry for you that you believe this.
"Nobody wants a liberal conservative as a Republican or a conservative liberal as a Democrat. "
Um, sorry, but i would welcome them both.
I will leave you with this:
“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” - Dalai Lama XIV
We're going to have to agree to disagree on some thing then. While I appreciate your freedom to knit pick my comments, you're missing the point on some. I'm sorry that my "ugly spirited" name calling of a corporate-backed media empire offends you. There is no love loss on my part for anyone who openly attempts to manipulate the masses, no matter their political inkling. My friends, family, and colleagues know me as an intelligent and thoughtful individual who is quick to smile and slow to anger.
ReplyDeleteI'll ask that you be satisfied that you've had your say. I appreciate and respect dialogue and opinion on my blog, but I think we've taken this as far as it makes sense to go.